Two Days Later

Doc stood beside Sasha and then extended his elbow. “You ready?” He turned to her and gave her a smile when she didn’t answer. “Me neither, baby..   You look beautiful.”

She couldn’t make her hands stop shaking or get her flowers to stop bouncing. “Thanks, Dad, but I think I’m gonna hurl.”

He kissed her through her short white veil. “Just a little morning sickness, it should pass in a couple of months.”

“What!” she wheezed, now holding on to his arm for support.

“The Fae give a nice party,” Doc said, seeming thoroughly amused as he began the promenade. “Great cake all done up with flowers and such—as the father of the bride, I know this has got to be a hundred-thousand-dollar affair. I never expected to have the luxury to walk my daughter down the aisle, so on my Army salary from years ago I never put away for anything. Things worked out, huh? Smile at the Chens, sweetie,” he added. “They’re still clueless. Look ahead; smile at Hunter; the poor man is faint.”

“You’re sure; you’re absolutely sure,” she whispered, beginning to hyperventilate.

“It’s not just because I’m a doctor and did your blood work, but don’t you recall Hunter acting really weird? I mean more protective than usual?”

Sasha swallowed hard and kept her eyes straight ahead so she didn’t pass out while the Pixies and Fairies flung flower petals in her path. Her bone-hued silk gown felt like it was second skin as perspiration suddenly leaked into the delicate gossamer fabric the Fae had spun. But Queen Cerridwen just gave Sasha a nod as she passed, and the next thing she knew a cool breeze had dried everything.

The entire garrison had come out and the wedding was being held in the gardens just so Sir Rodney could go nuts and show off what a true summer Fae monarch could do. Rupert wept uncontrollably, and even old Garth blinked back moisture from his eyes. But she couldn’t think beyond the buzzing in her ears. Pregnant. Pregnant? She was a warrior and pregnant. “How did that happen?” she murmured, not realizing her mouth had engaged what was rattling around in her head.

“None of my business how it happened,” Doc said with a quiet chuckle. “And you’re too old for me to discuss the birds and the bees with you, baby. Ask your husband later today; I’m sure he’ll show you how.”

Her father patted her arm, but his wry comment made her smile. Yes.   now it all made so much sense. She stared at Hunter and watched his Adam’s apple bob above his crisply starched tux collar. Cherry blossoms littered the lawn out of season as Sir Rodney waved at the flora like a mad orchestra conductor, changing the flowers upon her every footfall, turning the outer palace gardens into a veritable Fourth of July flower show.

Still, nothing was as handsome as the quiet warrior who waited for her at the end of the garden beneath a natural canopy of interlocked blooming trees. He was her friend. He was her guide. He was her lover. He was her dream partner. He was her rock. He was her champion. He was her breath. He was her spirit. He was now the father of her child. Tears rose in Sasha’s eyes. She’d been so blessed, and at different times; both of them had almost never lived to see this day. And that they’d made it this far together was one thing, but that everyone they so dearly loved had made it, caused her to bite her lip to hold back a sob.

Shogun blotted Hunter’s forehead with a white cotton handkerchief and then his own. Her brother-in-law had made it. For the close call, after a few days of rest and lots of good Fae fare, Shogun just looked like he had a bad case of sunburn and was peeling. Amy beamed at her and Clarissa dabbed her eyes as both women clutched their bouquets and waited for Sasha to arrive at the front of the garden to stand beside Hunter.

“She’s all yours,” Doc said quietly as Shogun and Bear Shadow parted.

“I still haven’t had a chance to kiss your boo-boo,” Sasha whispered as she stepped in closely to Hunter.

He gave her a sidelong glance and a sly half smile, chuckling, and then simply turned to her, lifted her veil, and kissed her hard.

The Fae went nuts. The crowd was on their feet with a rowdy cheer. Jennifer began bawling the moment Hunter moved into place, and Mrs. Chen put a supportive arm over her shoulder.

Silver Hawk just smiled and closed his eyes. “You two will have to give me a moment alone with the Great Spirit before I begin the formal ceremony.   because witnessing this day, for this old wolf, is truly a miracle.”

The End


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2010 by Leslie Esdaile Banks.

Cover photograph © Barry Marcus

All rights reserved.

For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

ISBN: 978-0-312-94302-8

Printed in the United States of America

St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / October 2010

St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

Many thanks to all of you who have joined me on this adventure and have followed this series, as well as followed my Vampire Huntress Legends series. You all made it so worthwhile and it has been an awesome journey into the realm of imagination and fantasy with wolves and pack alliances, lovers and Fae, vampires and witches, and good ultimately triumphing over evil. Thank you for the wild and wonderful ride!

Special acknowledgment goes to: My agent, Sara Crowe (an awesome lady!), my editor Rose Hilliard, and the St. Martin’s team. Of course, I can never fail to mention my dedicated Street Team, the backbone! Plus special thanks to Police Officer Jerry Patterson of Grand Prairie, Texas, for your wonderful expert assistance in helping me understand weapons and ballistics—couldn’t have done it without you, Jerry!

Thank you all!